How does Infinit-O safeguard my privacy?

Infinit-O has comprehensive privacy policies and procedures in place to protect personal information. This includes data minimization, anonymization techniques, and strict adherence to legal and regulatory requirements for data privacy.

What measures does Infinit-O take to secure data?

Infinit-O employs a comprehensive security strategy involving physical security in our facilities, robust network defenses including firewalls and secure connections, endpoint security with centralized authentication, and reliable backup systems. Our offices feature controlled access monitored by CCTV, and network access is protected with user IDs, passwords, 2FA, and Firewall Systems. Additionally, Infinit-O regularly conducts security vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to identify and address any potential weaknesses.

Does Infinit-O use encryption for customer data?

Yes, Infinit-O encrypts customer data both in transit and at rest using robust encryption protocols as part of our endpoint security and network protection measures.

What steps does Infinit-O take to prevent misuse of client information by employees?

Infinit-O ensures information is not misused by implementing strict access controls, user accountability with unique IDs and passwords, regular audits, and immediate revocation of access rights when an employee leaves. Additionally, endpoint security and transaction log audits help monitor and prevent misuse.

How does Infinit-O utilize customer data?

Infinit-O uses customer data solely to provide and improve our services, ensuring it is processed in compliance with relevant data protection laws and protected by our security measures.

How does Infinit-O ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our platform?

Infinit-O maintains confidentiality, integrity, and availability through comprehensive security practices including physical security, network security with firewalls and secure connections, regular backups, disaster recovery plans, and continuous monitoring and audits.

Is Infinit-O compliant with GDPR?

Yes, Infinit-O is GDPR compliant, ensuring that all personal data is processed following GDPR requirements and protected by robust security measures and data protection policies.

What type of information does Infinit-O retain?

Infinit-O stores necessary client data required for service provision, including personal data protected under GDPR, and operational data essential for maintaining service integrity and security.

Does Infinit-O support single sign-on functionality?

Yes, Infinit-O supports single sign-on (SSO) as part of our centralized authentication system, providing secure and efficient access for users.

Does Infinit-O follow secure coding practices?

Yes, Infinit-O adheres to secure coding guidelines from OWASP Secure Coding Practices to prevent vulnerabilities and ensure the security of our software and systems.

How does Infinit-O handle government or law enforcement data requests?

Infinit-O responds to government or law enforcement requests for data in compliance with legal obligations while ensuring that all requests are thoroughly vetted and only necessary information is provided.

What methods does Infinit-O use to prevent unauthorized access?

Infinit-O prevents unauthorized access through a combination of physical security measures, controlled access, strong authentication protocols, endpoint security, and regular monitoring and audits. Our network is protected by firewalls, secure connections, and user-specific access controls.

How can I notify Infinit-O about a security vulnerability?

Security vulnerabilities can be reported to Infinit-O through our dedicated security team. Please contact us at